Limited Edition
12″H x 7″W x 7″D
During the 1880’s in the Arizona Territory, the Apache Indians were still raiding settlers and causing the US Cavalry much work and worry. These strong, smart warriors learned to use much of the “Whiteman’s” tools and technology to their advantage. Raised near the Yavapai Apache Indian reservation, Bill was carried away by his boyhood imagination to places and times in Prescott’s historic past. Here we see Bill portaying one of these warriors perched atop a high granite outcroping. He is searching the distant horizon for any sign of the soldiers from Ft. Whipple, ranchers or settlers driving their wagons to town, or a lone miner taking supplies up to his silver claim in the nearby mountains. This Apache has acquired a repeater rifle and a pair of early Army field glasses from some earlier raid. With these new and improved “APACHE EYES”, he will use the tools of his enemy to keep his people safe and try to make them leave his lands.