Limited Edition $11,000
23″H x 16″W x 30″L
Everyone knows about a cowboy and the rope he uses to lasso a calf for branding, a steer for shipment, or a horse to ride. There is another job the cowboy has at times, which is called “CUTTING”. It is where the horse is trained to separate (cut), the mother cow from her calf so the little one can be counted, branded, tagged or given medications. before it is put back into the herd, or sold. Cutting is also done to remove “dry cows”, from the main herd. The modern cutting horse has evolved from this ranch job into an extremely competitive specialized equestrian event. These horses are trained for physical agility, quickness, “cow sense”, and smoothness in performing their task. During a cutting horse competition, the judging is most strongly concentrated on the horse, with less stringent emphasis upon the rider. The breeding in these horses is closely followed and very expesive, with many selling for $20,000.00 to $150,000.00. The people who love to watch this event know that the “CUTTING EDGE” puts the winning team of the horse and rider into the lead, as a beautiful “dance” that brings the threesome of cutting horse, cow and rider together.