Limited Edition
11″H x 11″W x 9″D
Being a member of the Cowboy Artists of America is not just about creating and selling the best Western art possilbe. As important, if not more so, are the deep friendships that develope and felling that every member is adopted into the CA family which personally supports, encourages, advises and admires every other member. Like all families, som relationships are closer than others, and some have differences of opinion, but when it comes down to the basics, the family always comes first. Families also have special occasions of celebration where tradition are passed down from generation to generation. Bill and honorary CA member, Don Hedgpeth have developed one of those special friendships throughout the over 30 years of Bill’s membership. A every annual Cowboy Artists of America Exhibition and Sale at the Phoenix Art Museum, and on the yearly CA trail rides Donny and Bill come together with their guitars with other CA family members to sign songs of the West, tell jokes and stories, laugh and listen and build the unique bond which lives beyond the art.