Bill Nebeker – Indians I Will Tell of the Hunt Watchin’ for the Long Knives Signs of the Old Ones Apache Lookout Across The Divide Apache Eyes The Arrows Quest Calling Down The Thunder Cheyenne Elk Woman Comanche Lord of the Southern Plains Dance of Valor Death of the Bow Desert Ghost Down from the Stronghold Face of a Proud People Hear Me This Day Invoking The Buffalo Spirit Kwahadi Comanche He Who Fights LaCrosse The Warriors Game Reflected Splendor Renegade on the Move The River Stalker Runnin the Trapline Season of the Buffalo Shootin The Gap The Coup Robe Touching Ancient Legends Trail of the Intruder Warriors Challenge Warriors Vow Whitemans Buffalo In Grandmother’s Tradition Broken Words , Broken Peace 28″H X 14″W X12″ D $6200.00 Kiowa – Iron Tipped Medicine Arrows 12″ W X 15″ D X 13″ H $4800.00 Ever Vigilant 25″ H X 18″ W X 9″ D